Promotion Strategy

Pulmuone will make a great leap forward as the “Global No.1 LOHAS Company” through sustainability management.
Pulmuone TISO

We contribute to the sustainable development of the society through inclusive business management that embraces all stakeholders.

인간존중경영 01
인간존중경영 02

Pulmuone officially supports the international human rights and labor standards pursuant to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, and the International Labour Organization conventions. Building on the international standards, principles, and their values, and to assure compliance, Pulmuone has established the "Respect for Human Rights” principle. Pulmuone plans to expand the scope of application from employees to all business partners and throughout the supply network. Pulmuone will work to ensure that its business activities are always carried out in line with the Respect for Human Rights principles and in all places.

Declaration of
respect for human
rights management
The program creates an environment where all stakeholders are respected and not subjected to any form of inhumane physical or emotional treatment. Its 10 principles respect for humanity, ban on discrimination•forced labor•child labor, occupational safety, consumer safety and others–are communicated across the supply chain and throughout the Company.
Declaration of respect for human rights management
The program creates an environment where all stakeholders are respected and not subjected to any form of inhumane physical or emotional treatment. Its 10 principles respect for humanity, ban on discrimination•forced labor•child labor, occupational safety, consumer safety and others–are communicated across the supply chain and throughout the Company.
Respecting Persons
Pulmuone respects the dignity of all persons who are influenced by the business activities of Pulmuone and takes active measures to ensure that there is no physical or mental ill-treatment.
Prohibition on Discrimination
Pulmuone does not discriminate by gender, age, religion, social status, region of birth, school, marriage, pregnancy, childbirth, medical history, or other factors. Also, Pulmuone does not suggest or request terms that are not required by the job position, such as particular physical conditions or marriage status.
여성 차별관행 개선
Fighting Gender Discrimination
Pulmuone aims to end practices of discriminating against female employees during recruitment and at the workplace.
강제노동 금지
Prohibition on Forced Labor
Pulmuone does not force labor against one’s will and prohibits imposing or taking part in forced labor arising from mental or physical confinement.
아동노동 금지
Prohibition on Child Labor
Pulmuone promotes elimination of child labor and has the principle of not working with any companies that exploit child labor under any circumstances.
근로(노동) 시간 준수
Observing Working (Labor) Hours
Pulmuone abides by the standards stipulated in labor relations laws and regulations of each region or country for regular and overtime working (labor) hours.
임금과 복리후생
Wages and Welfare
Pulmuone strives to have its wage and welfare level stand above the minimum threshold set by labor relations laws and regulations of each region or country.
결사 및 단체 교섭의 자유보장
Guaranteeing Freedom of Association and Collective Bargaining
Pulmuone acknowledges freedom of association and the right to collective bargaining, and endeavors to foster an environment that facilitates communication with management concerning working conditions.