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Pulmuone will make a great leap forward as the “Global No.1 LOHAS Company” through sustainability management.
Pulmuone Integrated Report

Pulmuone Integrated Report is a comprehensive report that includes Pulmuone’s sustainability efforts, principles, activities, and future plans to fulfill its Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). This report has been prepared in accordance with GRI (Global Reporting Initiative) Standards, a guideline for the preparation of the global sustainability report, and the Integrated Reporting framework. Since the first Sustainability Report was published in 2007, Pulmuone has upgraded it into an Integrated Report that combines financial performances and non-financial activities and performances in 2014.

2022 Cover Story
of Integrated Report


Cover Story
The main keywords of Pulmuone's ESG management are captured in the form of a globe.

Part 1. About Pulmuone
Starting with the CEO’s message, it covers our business overview & history, Mission & Vision, Business Philosophy, Global brands & networks, materiality assessment.
Part 2. 2022 Key Topic
The policies, goals, and performance of three material issues identified as most important to our environment and society are reported.
Part 3. Pulmuone with ESG
The special pages on DX and ESG, which are the main business strategies of Pulmuone, are presented. The major items of Environment (E), Social (S), and Governance (G) are disclosed.
Part 4. Appendix
Get an at-a-glance view of Pulmuone's 2022 financial and non-financial results and trends from the last three years.